By |Published On: June 28, 2024|

Real estate wholesalers must not only have a sharp eye for property deals but also be skilled at marketing their business. They cater to two unique markets: property sellers and real estate investors. 

Marketing is the bridge that connects a wholesaler’s ability to find owners who want to sell their properties quickly with a network of real estate investors hungry to build their portfolios. It’s not just a strategy, but a powerful tool that puts wholesalers in the driver’s seat of their business. 

These are some effective and proven tips for real estate wholesalers to find more property deals and build up a book of investors ready to jump on them. 

Proven Marketing Tips for Real Estate Wholesalers

Whether you’ve just dipped your toes into the wholesaling game or have been building your business for years, these marketing tips will effectively promote your business and generate more leads – guaranteed! 

Direct Mail Marketing

Nobody gets mail anymore. Now, it’s just mail in our email inboxes. 

Real estate wholesalers have a unique opportunity to go old-school with their marketing and send out direct mail campaigns. 

Choose a neighborhood with investment potential where property value is sure to increase over the years. Send out flyers, brochures, or handwritten letters to homeowners, scoping out those who are ready to sell for cash. 

Create a list of names and addresses in targeted areas in just minutes with Haines’ Property Connect to initiate your direct mail campaigns even faster. 

Content Marketing

Content is king when it comes to marketing your business, even for real estate wholesalers. 

From blogs to TikToks to YouTube videos, people are looking for businesses who take pride in their ability to be creative, informational, and helpful. 

Consider creating a website for your real estate wholesaling business to writing articles with a focus on keywords related to your industry. Post videos on social media about a day in the life of a real estate wholesaler. These little content snippets can gain you more attention than you ever imagined. 

Build Your Network

Real estate is all about networking. Real estate wholesalers need to network with real estate investors looking to purchase properties with assigned contracts and build their portfolios. 

Networking with property owners is also crucial. Word of mouth is powerful, especially when that word says there is a real estate wholesaler willing to buy your property in cash. 

Email Marketing

As you build your investor list, you can begin to use email marketing tactics. Segment your investors based on their budgets, investment goals, and preferred areas. 

When you have a deal on the table, send out an email newsletter to those investors who would likely be interested. You never know who will bite! 

Create a Deal Sheet

One of the best things real estate wholesalers can do to get the word out about a property they have available is to create a comprehensive and detailed deal sheet. 

This one-pager should include an enticing description of the property and its value potential, estimated repair costs, location, and asking price. Avoid including the address, as this is proprietary information available only to interested investors. 

Use this sheet in your email marketing or your website to market your deals. 

Get More Leads and Grow Your Network with Haines

Some of the most menial tasks as a real estate wholesaler is gathering address and contact information for properties in your targeted area. 

Haines makes it easier than ever to collect this information so you can market your services. 

With our Property Connect software, you can have hundreds of addresses, names, and contact information in minutes! 

Request a free demo to see how we can build up your network and market your business today. 

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