Click here, and enter in the county name and it will provide all of the associated zip codes

Less is more, so try re-configuring your search with less detailed information (ie. remove “St.”)

All data is updated once a month.

You cannot save your searches but you can click on My Account and preview your recent downloads (they are saved for two weeks).

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, select “By Neighborhood.” Enter the House Number, the Street Name (without a prefix or suffix) and select the State. Make a selection in Step 3 and click Search.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, select “By Neighborhood.” Enter the House Number, the Street Name (without a prefix or suffix) and select the State. Make a selection in Step 3 and click Search. Select the record that you want to do the search around and click Street Search.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, select “By Neighborhood.” Enter the House Number, the Street Name (without a prefix or suffix) and select the State. Make a selection in Step 3 and click Search. Select the record that you want to do the search around and click Radius Search.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, select “By Neighborhood.” Enter the House Number, the Street Name (without a prefix or suffix) and select the State. Make a selection in Step 3 and click Search. Select the record that you want to do the search around and click Map Search. Follow the instructions on the Map screen.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select the Language in the FAMILY heading.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select the Race FAMILY heading.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select the Head of House.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select Absentee Owner in the FINANCIAL heading.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select Credit Rating in the FINANCIAL heading.

You cannot search by age. After you complete the search, click Advanced Options and add “Age” to the selected fields.

You cannot search by birth date. After you complete the search, click Advanced Options and add “Date of Birth” to the selected fields.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select “Presence of Elderly” in the FAMILY tab.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select the Make and Model in the TRANSPORTATION heading.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select the type of pet in the FAMILY tab.

Yes, click the Upload tab and download our Excel template and paste your list of addresses including the City or Zip Code in their respective columns. Follow the remaining instruction in the Upload tab.

Log onto Criss Cross and click on My Account. There you will see your start and expiration date.

Yes, select the range of pages that you want to export or print. Export or print them and select the next range of pages that you want to export or print. Continue until you have completed exporting or printing your records.

Yes. The labels can be downloaded in a PDF format. They can be saved and attached to an email message.

Yes. Click print and select the page range in the print window.

Yes. You must first save the PDF file. If you download them, they will be saved in our system for two weeks.

You must change the Page Scaling to “None” in the print window.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. In Step 1, fill in the desired type of search. In Step 2, select Interests, Collectors, Donation, Mail Order Preferences, or Hobbies in the CONSUMER BEHAVIOR tab.

Yes. You can upload Address list.

Limit your upload to 1000 records.

Use the Criss Cross + tab. Select “Phones Only” in Step 3. This will limit your results to just the ones that have phone numbers.

The records are not scrubbed by default. You must subscribe to the National Do- Not Call List and enter your National Do-Not Call information in MY ACCOUNT.

Information on how to subscribe is available in MY ACCOUNT, click the SAN Process link.

No, we currently do not have interest rates.

Logging in and out will only make the problem worse. We suggest waiting 10 minutes and try your search again. Peak times are from 10-2PM daily.

Still have questions?

Contact our Customer Success Team and we’ll help you out.