Criss Cross Directory + Data Technology
Haines published the first Criss Cross directory in 1932. The Criss Cross directory refers to a single cross-reference directory containing both addresses in sequence (arranged alphabetically by street within zip codes), and phone numbers in numeric order. For years, these annually published cross-reference directories — covering complete cities and suburban areas — have provided more up-to-date listings per dollar than any other source.
We’ve come a long way since 1932 and have brought the Criss Cross directory into the 21st century through data technology, providing the same great information with more functionality and features than the old printed Criss Cross directory.
As a data technology company, the data is the heart of everything we offer. We know that if you are going to entrust us to help grow your business strategy that our data must be accurate, compliant and updated. That’s why we work closely with our data providers to source, compile and verify industry leading US consumer and commercial databases.
Data Scope
We manage multiple US consumer databases and one US commercial database that power our tailored technology solutions powering tens of thousands of prospectors across the country. We currently manage over 300 million individual consumers.
Data Quality
- Decreased Processing is done monthly
- Our address accuracy is based on the USPS standard known as CASS where results show 99.7% accuracy, meaning virtually all our addresses are ready for the mail stream as is.
- NCOA and CASS processing are performed every 60 days thereby making us fully compliant with the USPS’ Move Update standards.
- Our provider performs a full file re-build quarterly whereby all the above compliances and quality processes are confirmed.
- Our provider provides us with a monthly install to insure that we are offering you the most up to date national consumer and business databases.
Frequently Asked Questions
The file meets all DMA privacy, federal and security compliances:
Our provider only carries data on those 18 years old (some 17-year olds who turn 18 in 2017). We do not market to minors nor maintain any data on minors
We do not maintain any health data on individuals
We do not maintain Social Security numbers, Driver’s License numbers, Credit Card data or FICO scores on the file. This permits us to adhere to all FICRA regulations
Our auto data is not sourced via state MVA / DMV or from vehicle registration permitting Cole Information and its data provider to be fully compliant with the Shelby Act
Our provider stores data in a SAS 70 certified environment
Data Validation
Consumer contact information is cross-referenced and triangulated against our provider’s master database, and other national active marketing as well as transactional databases. Any records not matching to an existing file are not included in our production database. The consumer database is a multi-channel, multi-sourced national consumer database built in a hybrid manner using both compiled and proprietary response data sources.
Premier data compilers including: Public and courthouse records, real property information, phone directories, consumer surveys, self-reported, and purchase transactions
Response source contributors such as niche segmentation schemes and premium datasets, publishers, catalogers, destination and online sites, plus proprietary interactive campaign results
Do you reference a privacy policy during the collection of your data?
Yes, the privacy policy is posted at the source of sign up. Though our providers data is not the originating source of the consumer data, we are able to provide, as example, privacy policies such as www.acop.com/privacy/
Does data contain any information on children under 13? 18? How do you verify this information?
Haines Criss+Cross and our data providers do not knowingly collect or market to anyone under 18 years of age. Our providers suppress any records that appear to be minors. In addition, Haines Criss+Cross has requested that our sources not send us data that they have identified as being compiled on a minor or indication of presence of children.
How is your data sourced?
Our providers data includes demographic, lifestyle, behavioral and transactional data aggregated from reputable data compilers. Our source data is derived from public records, warranty cards, consumer surveys, eCommerce websites, and other response based sources in full compliance with all state and federal laws. In addition, our sources employ predictive models using known consumer data points to assess a consumer’s propensity towards certain buying behaviors. There are many survey sites, herein are two such examples of firms that share with suppliers.
- American Consumer Opinion http://www.acop.com
- Opinion Outpost https://www.opinionoutpost.com/en
Additionally, most firms use the CEX from the Bureau of Labor Statistics as a source for inferred data.
Here is a copy of it, like most market research surveys it only goes to 100K- 250K respondents. Others who do similar work are Simmons, Scarborough, and MRI. http://www.bls.gov/cex/current/i_infobook.pdf
Our providers consumer database is a multi-channel marketing file where data is collected both online and offline with approximately 30% being collected online and 70% offline. Sample source sites include:
- Direct Education Center – www.directeducationcenter.com
- Credit Report.com – www.creditreport.com/privacy-policy
- Quiz Rocket – www.quizrocket.com/privacy
- Your Travel Offers – www.yourtraveloffers.com/content/privacy/
Is the consumer ever encouraged to obtain information regarding how their data will be used?
No, however our sources for offline data utilize the DMAChoice.org website as well as any number of Do Not Mail / Contact services. All of our multi-channel marketing programs provide a means for the consumer to opt-out from being included in our database.
What are your sourcing methods?
Is there one website URL or are there multiple URL’s? There are multiple URL’s, as our aggregated database is comprised of dozens of compiling sources. Due to partner confidentiality terms we are not able to provide the links to the sites of our partners.
By example, one site we can provide is www.quizrocket.com/; others include but are not limited to: Direct Education Center directeducationcenter.com/privacy.php Fast Web www.fastweb.com/privacy#2
What type of website is this? Websites include, but are not limited to, surveys, sweepstakes, discount offers, and e-commerce sites.
Consumer Data Sourcing: Haines Criss+Cross through its providers offers a proprietary consumer file of over 200 million individuals, including 95+ million production email addresses. The database applies industry leading research and marketing strategies to offer a product that excels in size, quality and value. The proprietary multi-channel consumer database includes detailed demographic, lifestyle and transactional data, which is contributed to by the most credible and responsive sources available to direct marketers.
Email Data Sourcing: Our email provider is an aggregator of third party, opt-in data. Our data includes demographic, lifestyle, behavioral and transactional data aggregated from reputable data compilers. Our source data is derived from e-commerce websites, consumer surveys, warranty cards, public records, and other response based sources in full compliance with all state and federal laws. In addition, our sources employ predictive models using known consumer data points to assess a consumer’s propensity towards certain buying behaviors.
Currently, we update the email file monthly with additions, changes, deletions and Deceased Scrub. Other than email sources, all secondary suppliers update quarterly. The entire file goes through NCOA, CASS, DPV, Name and Address Standardization. Email goes through three levels of hygiene processing and screening to ensure email addresses known to be associated with SPAM traps, invalid emails and domains, role accounts, complainers and screamers, known hard-bounces, etc., are removed from the database.
Summary of Email Data Sourcing
- Compiled third party opt-in data
- Source data is from e-commerce websites, consumer surveys, warranty cards, public records, and other response based sources
- Email Data is updated monthly with a quarterly file rebuild
- Email data includes time/date stamp and source URL
- Three levels of hygiene processing and screening to ensure email addresses known to be associated with SPAM traps, invalid emails and domains, role accounts, complainers and screamers, known hard-bounces, etc., are removed from the database.
What type of data do you collect?
Our providers are aggregators of third party, opt-in data and is not the initial collector. For our multi-channel data assets, we collect response-based information on openers and clickers. The type of data collected by our source partners includes demographic, lifestyle, behavioral, and transactional data compiled via public records, warranty cards, consumer surveys, e-commerce websites, and a variety of periodicals.
What, if any, regulations bear on the use of the data?
Our providers are aggregators of third party, opt-in data and is not the initial collector. For our multi-channel data assets, we collect response-based information on openers and clickers. The type of data collected by our source partners includes demographic, lifestyle, behavioral, and transactional data compiled via public records, warranty cards, consumer surveys, e-commerce websites, and a variety of periodicals.
Book a Demo and see how you can use data to successfully power your marketing. Or call us at (330) 494-9111 to get your questions answered right now.