For real estate agents looking to tap into the For-Sale-By-Owner (FSBO) market, it’s very important to have a solid strategy in place. Many FSBO sellers believe that they can save time and money by selling their homes without an agent, but years of data analysis show that most eventually turn to a professional to help close the deal.
At Haines, we pride ourselves on helping real estate agents achieve more while putting in fewer hours. Plus, we provide tools like Property Connect and Criss Cross that can help real estate agents get detailed property reports. Once you have a property in mind, this is where well-crafted FSBO scripts can make a major difference. With the right approach, you can demonstrate your value and help FSBOs see why working with an agent is in their best interest.
In today’s guide, we’ll look at three FSBO scripts to help you convert leads into clients. So, let’s get started!
3 FSBO Scripts That Actually Convert Leads
Script 1: “The Value Proposition”
In this FSBO script, you’ll lead with the value you can provide to a homeowner.
Agent: Hi, this is [Your Name] with [Your Brokerage]. I noticed your home at [Property Address] is listed as For-Sale-By-Owner, and I just wanted to congratulate you on taking the initiative. How has the process been going so far?
FSBO: It’s going okay, but we’re not seeing as much interest as we had hoped.
Agent: That’s understandable. Selling a home on your own can be a challenge. I’ve worked with a lot of sellers like yourself, and I’ve found that many are surprised by how much more they can net with the right marketing and negotiating. If I could show you how I could help you sell faster and for more money, would you be open to meeting for a quick, no-obligation consultation?
FSBO: Maybe, but we’re really trying to avoid paying commissions.
Agent: I completely understand where you’re coming from, but here’s the thing — homes sold with an agent typically sell for about 15-20% more than FSBO properties. After my commission, you’re likely to walk away with more money than if you sold on your own. Wouldn’t it be worth a brief meeting to explore how I can help maximize your sale price?
Script 2: “The Support Offer”
In this FSBO script, you’ll offer support in an educational manner, looking to earn their business down the line.
Agent: Hello, this is [Your Name] with [Your Brokerage]. I noticed your home at [Property Address] is listed as For-Sale-By-Owner. That’s great! I wanted to reach out to see if you had any questions or if there’s any way I could assist you.
FSBO: No, we’re good for now. We’re not looking for an agent.
Agent: I understand, and I’m not here to pressure you into anything. In fact, many FSBO sellers end up doing just fine on their own, but I know the process can sometimes get tricky. If at any point you have questions about contracts, inspections, or pricing, I’d be happy to offer my insight.
FSBO: Sure, I guess that wouldn’t hurt.
Agent: Great! I’ll send over some info just in case, and you can reach out anytime if you need help down the line.
Script 3: “The Problem Solver”
In this FSBO script, you’ll lead with your expertise in solving the typical problems a homeowner may encounter if they try to sell their own property.
Agent: Hi, [FBSO’s Name]. My name is [Your Name] from [Your Brokerage]. I noticed your home at [Property Address] is for sale by owner, and I wanted to see how the process is going for you. Any challenges so far?
FSBO: We’ve had some interest, but no serious offers yet.
Agent: That’s tough, but pretty common for homeowners in your position. I recently helped an FSBO seller in your area who had the same issue — they were able to get multiple offers after we made a few adjustments. If I could offer you some quick advice to get more serious buyers, would you be open to a brief meeting?
FSBO: Possibly. What kind of adjustments are you talking about?
Agent: Well, every property is unique, but typically it’s about making sure your home is being seen by the right audience. It could be about where and how the property is being promoted. I’d be happy to take a look at what you’ve done so far and provide feedback. If it’s something that could help, we can take it from there. Does that sound fair?
Get More Leads With Haines
Looking for more expert advice on how to find and close FSBO properties? Need software that can help your real estate generate leads that turn into sales? If so, reach out to us at Haines to learn more and get ahead of the competition.