By |Published On: June 9, 2016|

Businesses use social media for many different objectives: creating brand awareness, engaging with their community, and, of course, generating real estate leads. But what do you do when your strategy isn’t working?

It’s time to switch things up.

Here are five reasons why your social media isn’t generating real estate leads.

1. You’re Not on The Right Platforms

You need to be where your customers are. If you’re selling to older generations, Twitter and Snapchat aren’t your areas. If you’re selling to teens and young adults, you don’t need to be spending time on LinkedIn.

2. You’re Promoting Yourself Too Much

Social media is about positioning yourself as an expert in your industry. You need to share valuable content, not content that is only all about you. Follow the 80/20 rule: 80% curated or informational content and 20% promotional.

3. You’re Posting the Wrong Content

What is your audience interested in? Make sure that you’re consistently sharing quality content that’s relevant to your business and that your customers want to engage with.


4. You’re Not Thinking About Your Audience When Generating Real Estate Leads

Social media is about being social. What does your audience want from you, and what is it going to take to earn their business? Reach out to them, create conversations, and help aid the sales process.

5. You’re Not Using Social Ads

Organic content only goes so far. To really get that call to action in front of your audience, put some ad dollars behind it by creating a lead generation Facebook ad or sponsoring a tweet.


Want to Learn More?

Haines Property Connect can help you grow your business by utilizing extensive property data, allowing users to make informed decisions for client prospecting, identify future investment properties, target mailers to potential customers, and much more.

We have a dedicated Customer Success team with sincere and beneficial support to assist with any and all questions you may have. Our directories are designed to be the ultimate prospecting tool to help businesses generate more leads.

If you have any questions, contact us today or schedule a free demo to learn more! 

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