By |Published On: November 3, 2015|

A typical customer for an HVAC company is a homeowner sitting in the sweltering heat and humidity, unable to get his air conditioner to work on a 90-degree day in July.

Another typical customer is the homeowner freezing at home on a cold, gloomy, January day because her furnace will not generate any heat. These are typical customers who are motivated to get service and are willing to pay — whatever the price. They generally will not negotiate or “price shop.” THEY ARE MOTIVATED BUYERS!

Here is the problem.

There are not enough of them. Every HVAC company would rather have a steady flow of customers rather than a rush all at once. With a consistent, ongoing marketing program, a contractor can control the flow of business. By mailing quarterly newsletters to previous customers or using direct mail to promote preseason air conditioning tune-up specials in the spring or furnace tune-ups in the fall, Haines Direct can help HVAC companies target their best prospects. By offering annual service contracts, an HVAC company can help keep its customers cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, while keeping business hot all year long.

****Haines Direct is a full-service direct marketing agency that offers a variety of services to the HVAC industry. They can be reached at 800-843-8452 or at

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