By |Published On: March 27, 2014|

Incorporating video into your real estate online marketing can help drive more traffic to your website. That’s because videos are over 50 times more likely to appear on page one of the search results.

What’s more, numerous studies have shown that video increases phone calls, website visits, physical store visits, and sales. On average, 73 percent of consumers are more likely to buy after watching a video that explains the product or service.1

Many people online prefer watching over reading. Video real estate online marketing grabs consumers’ attention and increases engagement because it involves all the senses. But don’t take my word for it.

  • Advance Auto Parts found that visitors who watch instructional videos stay on their site twice as long and visit twice as many pages.2
  • Housewares e-tailer reported that visitors were 144 percent more likely to purchase after seeing a product video.2
  • saw a 44 percent increase in online sales conversions by using videos to showcase their products.2

Real estate online marketing video consumption continues to increase. Recent data released by comScore3 revealed that, in December 2013:

  • Video ads accounted for 40.2 percent of all videos viewed, for a total of 35.2 billion video ads
  • Time spent watching video ads totaled 13.2 billion minutes
  • Video ads reached 55.6 percent of the U.S. population an average of 204 times during the month

Is there any reason not to add video to your online marketing?

1 Animoto Online and Mobile Video Study, 2014
2 Internet Retailer, 2010
3 comScore Video Metrix, December 2013 U.S. Online Video Rankings


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